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International GRC – ECW 2023 online | 13, 14 and 16 January

16 January 2023 ore 17:00 - 22:00
|Recurring Event (See all)
13th, 14th & 16th january 2023

International Group Relations Conference

ECW 2023 online
Energy, Creative Collaboration and Wellbeing

13 years of life – 7th Edition – 2nd Online

13th – 14th & 16th january 2023

Language: English

The second edition of the Group Relations Conference Energy, Creative Collaboration and Wellbeing, welcomes the challenges of life online, an environment where the weave of languages available, expressive of being and of human sensitivity and interrelatedness, are open for exploration.

ECW proposes that in the awareness of the body and its needs one becomes available to connect to the earth, its resources, and the underlying interdependence of the whole. Online life is as much a context as any social, geographical or political context, an environment as any other.

The challenge of the work is to extend the field of attention to the unconscious as it manifests itself by observing the languages of bodies in space, of energy fields, of nature, of context and patterns that connect the parts.

ECW relates to social context/culture and to nature and the human place within nature. What is nature telling us, what are we telling nature and can the dialogue of human and non-human nature bring blossoming for both?

In present times of climate change, pandemic, wars and deep global crisis these fundamental relationships call for our attention; they will be a focus for the conference.

Brochure PDF

Info & registration: ecw@ilnodogroup.it


The primary task of this conference is to offer participants the opportunity to explore how awareness of resources, energy and creative collaboration can introduce wellbeing in the organizations to which they belong.

The challenge of the work is to extend the field of attention to the unconscious as it manifests itself by observing the languages of bodies in space, of energy fields, of nature, of context and patterns that connect the parts.

Interdependence and relatedness, essential for any kind of systemic thinking, are explored during the events. Learning is facilitated by accessing individual and group energy and through awareness of the relationships that develop. ECW relates to social context/culture and to nature and the human place within nature. What is nature telling us, what are we telling nature and can the dialogue of human and non-human nature bring blossoming for both?

In present times of climate change, pandemic, wars and deep global crisis these fundamental relationships call for our attention; they will be a focus for the conference.


The conference is open to anyone, from all walks of life, who is interested in understanding groups, organizational dimensions and the evolutionary level found in the social contexts in which we live. Specifically, it is directed at those who would like to sustain existing resources in a better and ecological way and to bring new thoughts and wellbeing into the organizations where they operate. The experience of the conference will allow participants to learn and reflect upon these themes and explore the possibility of creative collaboration towards the realization of a common task, given the limits and the opportunities of the technology.


The conference series emerge from an evolving organization shaped by the collaboration of the participants and of the staff. Learning is experiential and based on the exploration of the here and now. This method requires self-reflection and encourages a free spirit of research and thinking.

The design of the online conference incorporates traditional events of Group Relations Conferences adapted to the task and to the online environment; specific events that explore the language of the arts and of the moving body in space have been developed, such as Vocabulary of Movement, Sound Lines, Dreams Move, Community Event.


13th, 14th and & 16th January 2023 (note: free day on January 15th)

5:00 pm to 10:00 pm (CET)
4:00 pm to 9:00 pm (London)
11:00 am to 4:00 pm (New York)
11:00 pm to 4:00 am (Singapore)
2:00 am to 7:00 am (Sydney)

LANGUAGE: english

Click the links below, to see a short video about prior ECW events, in presence
and online:


  • Leslie Brissett: Group Relations Programme Director at the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations. He believes that the human being is opening up to the mystery of the body and the mind as an interconnected sentient system that includes all matter.
  • Maria Pia Conte: Psychiatrist, Psychoanalyst, member of Italian Psychoanalytic Society and of International Psychoanalytical Association, guest member of the British Psychoanalytic Society. Member of Il NODO Group, Torino.
  • Franca Fubini: Psychotherapist, group analyst and organizational consultant; chair of Social Dreaming International Network and member of Il Nodo Group.
  • Tim Jones: Storyteller, voice artist and musician.
  • Jack Lampl: Organizational Consultant, Credentialed Mediator, Visual Artist, Past President and Fellow A K. Rice Institute, Board member San Diego Psychoanalytic Center, Past President Threshold Foundation, Aspiring mover and shaker.
  • Luca Mingarelli: Social entrepreneur, psychologist, president Rosa dei Venti onlus, Director of Therapeutic Community for adolescents, Consultant of Organizations. Treasurer of Il NODO Group. OPUS member. Creator and Co-director of events Innovative GR: “Energy, creative collaboration and well-being in organizations” and “Learning from Action”. National basketball coach. Registered in the Order of Journalists.
  • Sara Scrimieri: Psychologist, Psychotherapist, AIPPI Associate Member; PSIFIA Vice President and Treasurer; forensic consultant.
  • Marco Valerio
    Consultant, scientific research on the body-mind connection.


ECW is a field of exploration for new thinking which can foster a sustainable approach to the available resources. The same mindset is reflected in the approach to the finances of the conference.

ECW Online works from a basis of ‘Trust, Generosity and Awareness’. There will be a three-tier fee for covering the cost of the conference which may allow for a wide range of participation:

1. €100 fee + 22% VAT (Total €122) young (below 25), unemployed, disadvantaged geographical areas
2. €220 regular fee + 22% VAT (Total €268)
3. €300 fee + 22% VAT (Total €366)  to support the event and those participants who contribute the loweramount

The Secretariat and the Management will be happy to answer your requests for information at: ecw@ilnodogroup.it


  • The NODO Group
  • The Tavistock Institute
  • akri – Incubator Conference
  • The Metanoia Institute
  • Organisaation Dinamiikka Finod
  • Work Lab – Organizational Consultation and Applied Research
  • Esculea de Artes Culturas Amazonicas

Loghi partners - Marco Valerio


16 January 2023
17:00 - 22:00
Event Category:
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