
Maria Romano


Intervision and consulting services based on the ARC method (Analysis of Roles in Cases), inner reflection, programming

Meeting format

Venue: la Casa di Cristallo, Padova,
For the duration of the COVID-19 public health emergency, via Zoom, 9:30 am -12:30 pm, Saturday

Frequency of meetings


Year of founding


Area of study and objectives:

Conduct peer-to-peer intervision sessions focused on the organizational dilemmas of group members or external actors

  • Constantly observe the group’s own internal dynamics
  • Explore methods of organizational consulting and training based on the Tavistock model (ARC, social dreaming, coaching, etc.)
  • Apply and disseminate the ARC method
  • Organize training events
  • Seek opportunities for exchange and debate with the other special interest groups within the Nodo Group.

Since its founding, the group has been committed to studying and applying intervision and organizational consultancy techniques and modes of intervention in the field of training and professional development.

Reflexivity (does the group also reflect on its own functioning?):

For the time being, the group is driven by the participants’ personal interest in the topic, and does not engage in any applied work or consultancy services.


Giada Boldetti, Eugenio Bruttomesso (contact person), Massimo Castoro, Cinzia Favaron, Paola Ponton, Maria Romano, Rossana Schiavo, Nadia Urli, Biancarosa Volpe, Caterina Zanetti.

The members of the group, who are all members or followers of the Nodo Group, share an interest in the psychodynamic approach to the study of organizations; most of them have personally experienced participating in Group Relations Conferences.

To request information or apply to join:

Last updated: March 2021