Energy, Creative collaboration, and Well-being in organizations (ECW) is a Group Relations Conference that was first implemented in Italy in 2011.
The GRC is informed by an interdisciplinary model that integrates the Group Relations Conferences method with other disciplines that deal with the mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, and energetic dimensions of the lives of individuals and organizations and the use of resources and sustainability.
It has the primary task of providing participants with the opportunity to explore how energetic awareness and creative collaboration can bring prosperity to their organizations. The implicit challenge in the conference work is to draw delegates’ attention to the dimension of the unconscious, which also manifests itself at the material level.
The concepts of interdependence and relatedness, essential for every form of systemic thought, are explored during events that facilitate learning through contact with individual and group energy, nature, and the body.
The purpose of the Conference is also to raise awareness of our shared responsibility for exploring and creating structures that nurture the well-being and vitality of the systems we live in and the people we are in contact with (colleagues, collaborators, clients, family members).
The current COVID-19 emergency also requires social groups and organizations to implement new creative processes, with a view to shifting from a perspective of unlimited expansion to one of conscious use of limited resources and attending to and caring for the Earth that hosts us (climate crisis).

At these conferences, the group and organizational dimensions are examined not so much from the point of view of the dynamics linked to authority and leadership (which remain present, but in the background) but rather through exploration of the themes of interdependence, collaboration, and co-creation.
In addition, the Conference works on the personal/individual dimension via the construction of a setting (spaces, times and events), in which it is possible for the participant to come into contact with their own body and thoughts and with the surrounding environment, and to draw well-being, creative energy, and innovative thinking from these resources.